august bush iv facing a wrongful death lawsuit filed by adrien martin s family. prince william admits he s nervous about his wedding. he says he s excited but there s still a lot of planning to do and the prince has said, no, he s not wearing a wedding band. not that it will matter. the whole world will know he s married. uk authorities reportedly meeting with representatives from moammar gadhafi s government in london and hope to meet with former representatives who have defected. for instance moussa koussa. he announced a resignation wednesday after flying too london. he holds valuable information because of his high position in the regime s inner circle. with me from paris christopher dickies on skype. good to see you. good to see you. here s the thing. don t you think at this point moammar gadhafi is rethinking how many envoys he should send
still an ongoing investigation and they re not talking about any sort of charges at this point in time. all right, kevin tibbles in st. louis, missouri, for us this morning. it s an interesting case, kevin, thank you. thanks. and augie busch iv is no longer ceo of anheuser-busch that is, of course, when they sold to inbev beverages, but he is still on the board of directors. moving to politics now, blue dog democrats got a few tips from former president clinton in new york last night. it s a tough time to be a blue dog. the centrist democrats saw their numbers slashed in the midterms in their democratic leadership council now is folding but the blue dogs could play a crucial role with the dealmaking, congressman mike ross of arkansas joins us now. congressman, look, being a blue dog democrat, it s how you get elected in the swing districts, so they re the majority makers. they get the democrats in power, and then when they lose, they re the reason why the democrats lose power.
will be extradited to sweden to face sex crime charges there. his attorneys are suggesting the two alleged victims might have a, quote, hidden agenda. assange fears if he is moved to sweden, he could eventually be turned over to the u.s. to face charges for releasing thousands of secret diplomatic cables. and mark zuckerberg hack granted a restraining order against a man accused of stalking him. according to court papers say the 31-year-old man sent zuckerberg threatening messages on facebook. he also reportedly showed up at the companies palo alto ed qu t headquarters. adrian martin was found dead last december in a mansion belonging to her boyfriend, august bush iv, the former ceo and haeir to the anheuser-busch
from the reform package altogether. fast forward to christmas day 2010, two days ago, when this article appears in the new york times, despite stripping end-of-life counseling from the health care reform bill signed into law last march the white house is moving forward with the plan. as of january 1st, the government will pay doctors who advise their medicare patients on end of life care options, part of a new medicare policy folding voluntary advanced care planning into each medicare patient s annual checkup. in other words, the white house is doing by regulation, what congress could not do by legislation. but the white house is quick to deny credit. according to a spokesman, the end-of-life counseling benefit became law under president bush. the only thing new here is a regulation allowing these discussions to happen about part of the patient s yearly checkups or what they call wellness visits. those are the facts. what does it mean for your
the model at the mansion of a brand name beer tycoon, august bush iv. there s a 911 tape out and you ll hear it time that s crime and punishment. and extreme living. we ll introduce you to a man that treats a marathon like a walk in the park. he s on his feet racing 150 miles at a time. 360 md, sanjay gupta tells us his inspiration. but a word on the blizzard that has pounded the northeast. thousands of flights have been cancelled. new york city s three major airports were closed for much of today but re-opened this evening. and there were major delays in philadelphia and at washington dulles as well with some travelers not able to get flights out until friday. we ll have more on the blizzard in just a few moments. first, keeping them honest. new questions about airport security. these questions are being raised by a pilot who says he works for a major airline. he says the transportation security administration, the tsa, is not protecting the