To cancel his summit in helsinki with Vladimir Putin on monday in the face of this, new charges brought by the Department Of Justice. Whats your take on this . I agree, he never should have taken the meeting to begin with. I mean we have no idea what he would hope to gain from this. What we know quite clearly, these were not lowlevel operatives, ali, who were indicted. These are highlevel people who worked very closely with the Senior Leadership in russia. We know putin knew this. Donald trump is only enabling Vladimir Putin by coming to this meeting, by participating in this meeting. If he does do it, and, you know, it wouldnt surprise me if he did, what he ought to do is hand him over these indictments, demand the immediate prompt extradition of all the defendants involved, and thats what he should be doing. He is playing into the hands of putin right now. The world is turned upside down,
as your prior person said. Yeah. Putin wants to destabilize nato, he wants to sow discord among
that briefing, peter struck, the same agent who was already investigating the trump campaign. the same agent who, eight days before that defensive briefing sent a text message saying he was going to stop him, and to two days before that defensive briefing sent a message saying we need an insurance policy against the trump presidency. little wonder that on that day, august 17, 2016, donald trump wasn t warned about russian interference in this campaign. he wasn t briefed about the dossier, he wasn t briefed about carter page, and jim comey came out this week and said well, we didn t want to tip off anyone about that. the problem with that, maria, is that the same time they want warning and protecting donald trump, they were warning his political adversary and jim adversaries. on august 25, director john brennan picked up the phone
this all began with the steele dossier. no. this is from the fisa warrant. this a lot of this is redacted. page lived in russia. during this time page he began a relationship with someone. there was concerns about carter page prior to this steele dossier. let s go to the next slide. again, okay, remember, this was authorized once. the fisa warrant was thorsed once and reauthorized three more times, brook, by federally appointed judges. who were they appointed by? george w. bush. and ronald reagan. in case you didn t notice the similarity, these people are all republicans. all republicans picked these judges. and the last one here, this is important. donald trump said i didn t know anything about this. why wasn t i briefed about all of this information regarding russia? he was. august 17, 2016.
don t believe in hunches. federal investigators, i should say. there is also this, and i think it s interesting as well, talking about trump campaign official or someone who is in contact with trump campaign officials, talking directly with gucifer 2.0 who this indictment names as well as a russian. the conspirators posing as gucifer 2.0 talked about the release of stolen documents on or about august 15th, 2016. the conspirators posing as gucifer 2.0 wrote to a person who is in regular contact with senior members of the presidential campaign, of donald j. trump. thank you for writing back. do you find anything in in the docs i posted? on or about august 17, 2016, the conspirators said please tell me if i can help you anyhow. it would be a great pleasure to me. ken, back to you for a moment on this. that s roger stone, right? yeah, and we know that because roger stone this has been reported on previously and
i will note that at the top of john mccain s lengthy statement, he does say today s indictment is a result of the hard work of america s law enforcement and intelligence officials who dedicate their lives to bringing justice to those who wish to do us harm. interesting that no such comment has come from the administration. there is no, hey, great job, guys. you guys have really been working on this stuff. a major new detail, by the way, buried in this 29-page indictment is about communication between an american, who was in regular contact with senior members of the trump campaign, and guccifer 2.0. the indictment reads on or about august 15, 2016, the conspirators, posing as guccifer 2.0 wrote to a person who was in regular contact with senior members of the presidential campaign of donald j. trump and it quotes some of that correspondence saying thank you for writing back. do you find anything interesting in the docs i posted. on or about august 17, 2016, the