first of all, i want to make clear at the top, this is an observational study. no one is saying it s a cause and effect here. it s concerning to a lot of people. it s going to capture a lot of headlines. no one can say inducing labor leads to autism, this study was an observational study, looking at boys and they found that there was an association between inducing labor, augmenting labor and having a boy that s subsequently at higher risk of autism. let me show you some numbers really quick. first of all, inducing labor means a woman is around her due date she has not yet developed contractions, you give medicines to start those contractions. augments means the contractions have started, but you re going to make the contractions even stronger. take a look at the numbers there, if someone induces, it s about an 18% increase in the likelihood of having a boy with autism. slightly lower if just augmenting, 15%. if you do both, 35% increase overall, and likely to have a boy with autism.
much easier today because the hardware producers effectively take it out of our hands are ever more developer tools that do the mathematical work for three d. object displays. nowadays it takes just a morning or one day to devise a small application are going to clean up a pretty. hollow lens is still in development for now but augments of reality is bursting with potential. the latest generation mobile phones and systems come with a r pit s already installed. virtual interactive world already taking shape on our mobile devices. what will the future be like as we face an ever increasing onslaught of information. video are just peachy matsuda envisage this possible scenario. i mean we re already exposed to massive sensory overload people can t even keep up with emails and the overload will grow with augmenting reality you re out shopping say