Climate change continues to have detrimental effects on the environment, especially water resources.
The Intermountain West faces record-breaking droughts and increased water scarcity.
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The regulation of protected wildlife is likely to undergo a seismic shift as a result of the change in administrations. Whereas the Trump Administration took several actions to narrow the reach of wildlife protection statutes, the Biden Administration is likely to undo or revise many of those actions and seek ways to expand protection for sensitive species. In fact, it has already taken steps to do so. This increased focus on species conservation will likely result in additional wildlife avoidance, minimization, and mitigation obligations for project proponents. This article summarizes some of the recent changes in law, policy, and listing status relevant to protected wildlife under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA), Endangered Species Act (ESA), and Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGEPA).
Jon L. Gelman
The NJ Supreme has recognized that the workers compensation system has a legislative mandate to provide the safest medical care to cure and relieve occupational injuries. The Court acknowledged both state and Federal trends to provide non-addictive and non-fatal pain relief in place of the dangerous opioids.
The intent that embraced the creation and development of the social insurance system has given the Court a rational and logical basis, consistent with public policy, to order medical marijuana for palliative care.
The syllabus prepared by the Office of Clerk is as follows:
In this appeal the Court considers the challenges brought by defendant M&K Construction (M&K) with regard to a workers compensation court s order (the Order) that M&K reimburse plaintiff Vincent Hager for the ongoing costs of the medical marijuana he was prescribed after sustaining a work-related injury while employed by M&K. Specifically, M&K contends that New Jersey s Jake Honi