Veg-Jing Out: Meet the Non-Vegans Embarking on Meatless March Feb 27, 2021 4:30 pm | 1 comment | 202 reads
For centuries, humankind set calendars according to the changing of the seasons, each month marked by cyclical weather patterns that dictated an agrarian life. Today, however, freed from the necessity to grow our own food, humanity has devised a new method of tracking time: the Divine Cosmic Order of Monthly Challenges. From Dry January to No-Shave November, the modern calendar is conveniently divided into 12 periods of 30(ish) days meant for self-reflection and improvement. These monthly challenges offer folks an opportunity – as well as a community and support system – to approach lifestyle choices that they may have been pondering for a while but otherwise lacked the confidence or resolve to tackle in earnest.