Auditor Faber issues $16,657 finding for recovery against Dayton City School District Faber Columbus – Auditor of State Keith Faber’s Office has released the 2020 financial audit of the Dayton City School District. The audit included a $16,657 finding for recovery against the former Welcome Stadium secretary and ticket manager.
“Unfortunately we uncover theft in athletic ticket sales far too often,” said Faber. “It is imperative that our schools have strong checks and balances in place to avoid these abuses and thefts including two person verification for cash receipts. This finding makes it clear that responsible employees will be held accountable for safeguarding student and district funds.”
Submitted information
COLUMBUS Auditor of State Keith Faber’s Office released the 2019 financial audit of Van Wert County, which cited multiple findings, including three findings for recovery totaling $3,526.
The report highlighted instances where the lack of internal controls led to mishandling of public funds.
Keith Faber
During the audit period, the Treasurer’s office was responsible for collecting funds for various county departments, as well as collecting real estate tax payments. The office prepared a daily cash summary sheet, which totals pay-in receipts, processing real estate and other tax payments and balancing the cash drawers. The Treasurer’s office was also responsible for depositing cash received.
Findings issued in Van Wert County Audit
Information submitted Thursday, December 17, 2020 9:09 AM
COLUMBUS – Auditor of State Keith Faber’s Office released the 2019 financial audit of Van Wert County. The audit included multiple findings including three findings for recovery totaling $3,526.
The report highlighted instances where the lack of internal controls led to mishandling of public funds.
During the audit period, the Treasurer s office was responsible for collecting funds into the office by various County departments as well as collecting real estate tax payments. The office prepared a Daily Cash Summary sheet, which totals pay-in receipts, processing real estate and other tax payments and balancing the cash drawers. The Treasurer’s office was also responsible for depositing cash received.