kelly ayotte the new freshman senator from the state of new hampshire will be appearing with mitt romney in portsmith in a few minutes from now. this is part of the veep stakes. she s one of the potential running mates that the romney campaign will be taking a good long hard look at. that vet progress sees, that selection process is just getting under way. there s a throat be said for kelly ayotte and why she s being considered. she has a lot of tea party support up in new hampshire. she was endorsed by sarah palin. she has a tough on crime background. she was the attorney general in her state. she is also anti-abortion rights so she has that pro life boxing checked that a lot of republicans will be looking at as they go about selecting a running mate and there s a lot of upsides here. actually had a chance to see her speak in front of one of those rubber chicken dinners here in washington, d.c. she s pretty engaging in front of a podium, in front of a crowd. i think you re g