Want to feel really old? K-pop giant YG Entertainment are holding auditions in Singapore for their 2022 YG Global Audition Tour, with applications open from today (Sept 21) to Oct 23. The first round of auditions will be held between Nov 8 and Nov 11, and the second round on Nov 25 and 26. Here's the catch: only people born.
audition tour for the potential running mate. and pawlenty is campaigning in michigan. that is romney s native state so he is carrying the romney ball, again, trying to curry favor and show he can do the job. there are two others who are getting a heck of a lot of scrutiny, paul ryan, the house budget committee chairman garnering the most buzz the last 72 hours with many conservatives arguing he could energize the ticket and provide the kind of charisma that many critics say romney lacks. but there is the question of whether the ryan budget and how he deals with medicare could be a problem the finally, there is marco rubio. while pawlenty will campaign in colorado, rather, vacationing in colorado next week, rubio is on a family vacation this week laying low as all this speculation hurts fevered pitch. by this time next week it is entirely likely we will know who the running mate is. shepard: thank you, carl