The presiding officer are there any senators in the chamber wishing to vote or change their vote . If not, the yeas are 89, the nays are zero. The nomination is confirmed. Under the previous order, the motion to reconsider is considered made and laid upon the table, and the president will be immediately notified of the senates action. Mr. Mcconnell mr. President. The presiding officer the majority leader. Mr. Mcconnell i move to proceed to legislative session. The presiding officer the question is on the motion. All in favor say aye. All opposed no. The ayes appear to have it. The ayes do have it. The motion is agreed to. Mr. Mcconnell i move to proceed to executive session and consider calendar number 533. The presiding officer the question is on the motion. All in favor say aye. Opposed no. The ayes appear to have it. The ayes do have it. The motion is agreed to. The clerk will report the nomination. The clerk nomination, the judiciary, patrick j. Bumatay of california to be United S
Chairwoman questions . There are two different bond Program Managers, and im not sure if any of the ones you have questions about are the subject of the m. T. A. Bond, but i know mr. Lee from the m. T. A. Program is here. Sorry, public works. So let me back up a step and say, congratulations, mr. Lurkin, youre the first deliverer of a liason report in the format we talked about for this fiscal year. There has been a little bit of confusion about how to deliver this content, but i think our conversation, when we were developing the work plan with you for the current fiscal year, was that each bond program would appear before you twice in a year. Once you would have a formal report from the bond Program Managers of the type that was just given on the Public Health bond. In the opposite six month point and the calendar, you would have a liason report, like mr. Lurkin gave, and the advantage would be the forcing function of having the liason have an opportunity to anticipate that item, set
Bond program would appear before you twice in a year. Once you would have a formal report from the bond Program Managers of the type that was just given on the Public Health bond. In the opposite six month point and the calendar, you would have a liason report, like mr. Lurkin gave, and the advantage would be the forcing function of having the liason have an opportunity to anticipate that item, set up a meeting with bond Program Managers, ask any questions they had, so that the content could be focused on things that are of most of interest to goback. And there was a concern you would get detailed reports and pretty pictures, but not much of a chance to focus on issues that are of concern for you. The liason focus was a test. I should have also reminded the m. T. A. Program manager that having that Program Manager appear during the agenda item would be an expectation so that any questions could be answered. So sorry if that was my miss. But thats sort of my expectation for how it would
Bit of confusion about how to deliver this content, but i think our conversation, when we were developing the work plan with you for the current fiscal year, was that each bond program would appear before you twice in a year. Once you would have a formal report from the bond Program Managers of the type that was just given on the Public Health bond. In the opposite six month point and the calendar, you would have a liason report, like mr. Lurkin gave, and the advantage would be the forcing function of having the liason have an opportunity to anticipate that item, set up a meeting with bond Program Managers, ask any questions they had, so that the content could be focused on things that are of most of interest to goback. And there was a concern you would get detailed reports and pretty pictures, but not much of a chance to focus on issues that are of concern for you. The liason focus was a test. I should have also reminded the m. T. A. Program manager that having that Program Manager ap
But i think our conversation, when we were developing the work plan with you for the current fiscal year, was that each bond program would appear before you twice in a year. Once you would have a formal report from the bond Program Managers of the type that was just given on the Public Health bond. In the opposite six month point and the calendar, you would have a liason report, like mr. Lurkin gave, and the advantage would be the forcing function of having the liason have an opportunity to anticipate that item, set up a meeting with bond Program Managers, ask any questions they had, so that the content could be focused on things that are of most of interest to goback. And there was a concern you would get detailed reports and pretty pictures, but not much of a chance to focus on issues that are of concern for you. The liason focus was a test. I should have also reminded the m. T. A. Program manager that having that Program Manager appear during the agenda item would be an expectation