[ audience booing ] are consociology each other in a hotel ballroom in our nation s capital right now. president trump, however, was not the only one who planned some counter programming. samantha b. host of the show full frontal planned her own alternative where she roasted the press and the president. we want you all to have a great time. i know it looks like we have a cash bar tonight but as paranoia missed you in the invitation at a later date i ll get mexico to pay for all your drinks. i m delighted to have you with me. tbs is a sister network. we re cousins. i don t want any angry conflict of interest tweets. that can never be. let s start with the big dinner. not your dinner.
new reality of you hear the reaction from the audience. so, i mean, is it hard, kailey, for her to make the argument that he has been a tremendous supporter of women? look, it s hard in a sense that she knows something that none of us know. she s seen donald trump as a father. she has seen president trump as a businessman, as a ceo. none of us have had that experience. none of us know one-on-one how he operates, how he treats women in the workplace. she can vouch for that, but the argument comes down to take my word for it. i ve seen it. it is a hard case to make. i think she did it well, particularly when you are being jeered at by the audience. they took the low road in my opinion. she took the high road and i think she handled that very, very well. that s a tough situation when you have part of the audience booing at you and i think she did a good job.
today, saying she would some more female entrepreneurs. she faced her first test as internationalissary for her father s administration. former communications director for ted cruz is with us. let s play that moment, the reaction that ivanka trump got in germany. here it is. he s been a tremendous champion of supporting families and enabling them to thrive and the new reality [ audience booing ] are you surprised that she got that type of reaction, the boos that you could hear? i find that to be such a small part of the conversation.
press. i get the worse press now. i get such dishonest reporting with the media. it happened during the primaries and i said, you know, when i won, the one good thing is now i ll get good press, and it got worse. the president seems to take issue with reporters when they report facts. in the past few days, he s tweeted, don t let the fake media tell you i have changed my position on the wall. he went after whate called two fake news polls that showed him with low approval ratings. en he tried to preempt attacks on his first 100 days saying, no matter how much i accomplished during the ridiculous standard of the first 100 days, media will kill. attacking the press was a major thing during his campaign, and it s continued into his presidency. let s watch. even our enemies back there, look at all that press. [ audience booing ] among the most dishonest people in the world. i love it! we just took the press credentials away from the dishonest washington post. crooked cnn. cnn is so
the new reality of you you hear the reaction from the audience. that, of course, was ivanka trump this morning being interrupted by a handful of people in the audience booing and hissing as she talked about her father at the w 20 summit in berlin. german chancellor angela merkel invited her to speak on a panel focused on women s empowerment and equality and here s how the moderator followed up. some attitudes towards women your father has publicly displayed in former times might leave one questioning whether he s such an empower for women. how do you relate to that? you re asking me about my role as daughter and adviser. as a daughter, i can speak on a very personal level, knowing that he encouraged me and enable med to thrive. i want t bng i t miller and zeeanna maxwell and kate