Subscribe to the documentary. A Freedom Fighter turned out across zimbabwes longtime leader Robert Mugabe dies when you look at how he turned a country once stopped africas breadbasket into a place with the worst inflation the world has ever seen also coming. Here from the suit to argue much sought after commodity the country shepherds are taking a stand on who to sell to and its tax time here in berlin as the Consumer Electronics show opens its doors. Compass called a welcome to the program. For many a hero of National Independence but Robert Mugabe was also the despot behind zimbabwes economic collapse just how devastating was mugabes 37 year rule for the countrys economy now lets take a look at the numbers here. Is zimbabwe his most important cash crop its production collapsed in the early 2000 following mugabes land reforms which redistributed large wide run farms to an often inexperienced black ownership as the economy spotter inflation soared the government worsened it by printin