Dear Editor,
I write with palpable gloom and deep concern about this subject matter (Referendum needed to decide UN membership, says Elikana, Cook Islands News, April 6). We need to sift through the issues carefully and be able to anticipate the full consequences.
Owners of 33 defective apartments in Auckland’s The Ridge, off College Hill Rd, are selling their unrepaired building as is, after enduring years of upset.
Latest series on the ‘hell’ of apartment living screens on Sky, ‘magic’ behind road fix studied, Chinese developers leaving, half-year results from SkyCity.
A man accused of a killing on Queen St who then allegedly spent weeks on the run has pleaded not guilty to murder and is heading to trial. Dariush Talagi can.
A man accused of a killing on Queen St who then allegedly spent weeks on the run has pleaded not guilty to murder and is heading to trial.
Dariush Talagi