you. when but realize this was going to be a really effective tool for you? i got on in march may of 09. and immediately when i started seeing that i could sort of it was a democratizing force, i wasn t a victim of media outlets who would only give you a minute of time. we actually could now talk direct three our residents, thousands of them. and new yorkers now, you know, we have tens of thousands of followers in my city. they can take pictures of problems, we can respond to them. feed me information often before my staff gets me the information. and it s a wonderful, wonderful way for our city to actually function. it s a tool in our toolbox, as i said earlier, that is very valuable. mayor vs. been called twits for years. you re the proud owner of being the chief mayoral twit in america. people need to use the tools and platforms to better serve folks. for us in newark, it s helped us, number one, lift the veil from government.
said earlier, that is very valuable. mayor vs. been called twits for years. you re the proud owner of being the chief marlinyoral twit in america. people need to use the tools and platforms to better serve folks. for us in newark, it s helped us, number one, lift the veil from government. often people are seen as twits and don t realize we are like everybody else, struggling with issues. this morning i saw someone littering in the street, i leaned out, threw it back in the car window did you really? i did. and i tweeted i love the pride in my city. it created a thunder in my account there are probably thousands all across the city chucking garbage back in cars. is that what you want to see happen? for me as a mayor it s a great way to motivate challenges
that. we re having our own twitter conversations about the most influential tweeter and there are people arguing that those who sparked the revolution in tunisia and egypt should be the most influential. those who argue that president obama is. wayne jones says who cares, twittering is for twits. on that note, it wraps up this hour for me. thanks for wars. an inside look at the usually secret, mega million dollar divorces. up next, andrea mitchell. hi, contessa. up next here, former vice president walter mondale joining us to remember geraldine ferraro, the first american woman to be an a major party presidential ticket. plus as the president prepares to address the nation on libya, western air strikes allow the rebels to make major gains. we ll get the very latest from former defense secretary william cone and michael hayden. andrea mitchell reports up next on msnbc. cted, drained of nutri.
keep the interview the way you want it where you re the boss. i found it a brilliant experience. i think that even if you don t like the guest i have, even if you don t like me, it shouldn t really be the criteria for watching. i don t always find that the tv programs i like watching are necessarily with people i particularly like myself. what i want to see is energy and dine amism, humor, very important, a sense of enthusiasm on behalf of the interviewer, the guest and the guest for coming on the show. there s nothing more boring than boring tv. who wants to watch that? the one thing i can guarantee people is that i will not be boring. we look forward to that. one of the things that you do and you re certainly not boring on twitter, in addition to liking to engage folks on twitter, you ve got a take no prisoners attitude in social media. has this gotten you into trouble? are you worried about that? the whole point of twitter is we re all twits. you should just behave like a twit o
it was like straight out of that bed. i was led in like a mummy with all the strapping. i could barely move or breathe or talk. and i said i can t say anything. if i sit there like a mummy, and then david hasselhoff insisted on singing live and he sang a perfect moment. i was like this is the moment. it was so awful that i said to the producers you have to let me say something. so jerry springer who was the host said, piers, we understand you want to say something. i said i just want to say i didn t ni anything could be more painful than breaking five ribs. david, you just did it. i rode one around in the halls and it s whatever, whatever. they re trickier than they look. they re trickier than they look. yeah. it was bloody painful. you also have been very down on twitter for years. until i joined it. until you joined it a few weeks ago. you called twitter a pointless form of gormless twits to tweet to other tweets. what is a gormless twit? it s a particularly stupid