EAST ST. LOUIS – Attorney George Ripplinger of Belleville moved to reinstate his admission to U.S. district court on May 11, in order to carry on a client’s legal malpractice suit.
BELLEVILLE – Attorney George Ripplinger has temporarily lost practice privileges at the Eighth U.S. Circuit appellate court, the Missouri Supreme Court, and the U.S. district court for Southern Illinois.
His failure to notify them that the Illinois Supreme Court censured him brought him greater punishment than the conduct that led to his censure.
Chief Missouri Justice George Draper suspended Ripplinger on March 2, and advised him he could apply for reinstatement in a year.
Reciprocal suspensions followed from the Eighth Circuit and the district court, both advising that he could return when Missouri’s court reinstates him.
Chief District Judge Nancy Rosenstengel took action on May 14, finding Ripplinger didn’t report the Illinois censure or the Missouri suspension to her court.