upe them and uses your governmet to get special deals for you family. you call them joe biden. all right. joe s house of cards is now crumbling around him. now, this week iumbling n courtt hunter directly contradicted his father when he admitte, hund to taking money from china. now, that was something joe would vehemently denied ined one of the debates. in other words, joe got caught in.a li a lie yet once again.n. now, meanwhile, hunter s lawyers have now reportedlyrt been banned from calling the county clerk afteredly they were accused the night before the hearing of misreported, misrepresentingy we themselves on a phone call to the clerk. and according to the allegatione o s a member of biden s legal team actually pretended to represent a republican congressman in an attempndedtt o to get evidence removed fromce a recent amicu removs filing, ag that was on the court docket. but the shady behavior didn t dd stop there. look at this. this was the key sto paragraph s