The dark fantasy anime 'Attack on Titan', adapted from the manga 'Shingeki no Kyojin' by Hajime Isayama, has just aired its final episode, ending the 10-year-long series. Originally premiering on April 7, 2013, the anime gained significant popularity and a dedicated fanbase in both Japan and abroad, even in Bangladesh where local anime communities referred to it as one of the
Attack on Titan Manga Volume 34 Extra Pages - Changes to Ending Chapters 138, 139 Leaked?
Attack on Titan final volume explained
Kodansha revealed the details of the final manga volume release of Attack on Titan, volume 34, out on June 9, 2021, in Japan – The volume will have two different limited editions, each with a special booklet containing different Name (rough drafts).
Did Resident Evil: Village Steal a Boss Character?
Attack on Titan Volume 34 Edition Beginning explained
This is a special edition of
AOT volume 34, with a booklet containing two exclusive, unpublished until now Name.
The two Name included in the booklet were never made public in the past. Initially, they were submitted by Hajime Isayama to the “Serialization Conference” of Bessatsu Shonen Magazine. This was a contest organized by the magazine before it launched. The winning entries would be serialized in the magazine.
Attack on Titan: Rumored Alternate Ending Raises Big Question About Mikasa
Attack on Titan brought its manga to a close some weeks ago, but the fandom has not been able to walk away from the ending. While most fans were fine with the final chapter, there were others who felt let down by its take on Mikasa and Eren. These disappointed readers hoped the additional pages coming for chapter 139 would clear things up, but a new rumor suggests that will not happen.
So you have been warned! There are possible spoilers for the finale of
(Photo: Wit Studio)
For those who have kept up with the
Attack on Titan Finale Breaks Out a Staggering Death Count
Attack on Titan is used to tallying up body counts, and fans have come to expect the worst when it comes to this lists. Over the last decade, the manga has killed off tons of heroes, and its final arc took things up a notch. Now, the manga s finale has gone live to the trepidation of many, and chapter 139 has the highest body count of the series to date.
Attack on Titan, then you will know what revelation we re talking about. In chapter 139, Eren and Armin are able to share a final talk before they go their separate ways. It is there Armin learns the true extent of the Rumbling, and Eren admits his plans for global genocide nearly came true.