saw a large number of armed men coming and approaching the compound. we re told it was a very complex attack. without precedent in u.s. diplomatic history. never seen an attack like this in libya or anywhere else. we were told, by this, this senior state department official. one other fascinating detail is that they still don t know how ambassador stevens got to the hospital. doctors at the hospital took the cell phone out of his out of his pants, his pocket and started calling it. that s how they found out he was there. they say they continue to investigate, but they have never given us anywhere near detailed timeline like this. believe me a big part of this is because you have a major congressional hearing they wanted to get this out now. jonathan karl, abc news, washington. wow. the details that we are hearing are just so incredible to me. this detail the area of the compound was the size of a football field with a 9-foot-high wall topped by 3 feet of barbed wire. and, in
i am fascinated to see that later in the show. i am too. i m fascinated. sounds a little per vish to me. who am i to judge? what is up? what makes you wake up? what kind of sleep? drug induced sleep, is it narcolepsy? what is it that wakes you up? funky breath? i don t know what s going on. we ll get into that in just a minute. first some serious news this morning. members of congress will be demanding answers about security in libya and what exactly happened last month when u.s. ambassador chris stevens and three other americans were killed in benghazi. ahead of today s hearing, state department officials are now saying the assault came without warnings as several groups of heavily armed men went on the attac abc s jonathan karl says the officials are not linking the violence to an anti-muslim video. reporter: at the time, as you recall, we were told it was a protest that went bad and became an attack. now we are told there was no
bugged a thumb drive he used to send messages including the wife s list. reporter: transmitter would be placed in the program that could send a message so he could be located. reporter: communications sent in september, and al-awlaki was killed september 30th last year. the u.s. was using a variety of efforts to track al awlaki. and the cia would not comment on the alleged role of the danish spy. brian ross, abc new, new york. snoop well, the shopping list foiled in the whole plot. my goodness. still to come, she survived double elimination on last night s dancing with the stars, but is bristol palin dancing with danger? how her appearance on the show has taken a pretty serious turn. first, an important warning about a product that you may have in your home that could start fires. you are watching world news now. announcer: world news now continues after this from our abc stations. atchúd
well, there is nothing qui well, there s nothing quite like a bit of cloak and dagger, especially on a wednesday hump day morning. this one, though, centers on the killing of a top al qaeda leader in yemen just over a year ago. it seems the lady in his life and a cia spy led to his downfall. abc s brian ross has the details. reporter: he evaded the u.s. for years, but a new report says anwar al awlaki s downfall may have been linked to his wife s shopping list for pantene shampoo, nivea deodorant, dove soap, and other items not available in yemen. we have sent other people before and nothing really suited her taste, he wrote as he sent the list to someone he thought was a trusted al qaeda aide. but the trusted aide now says he was a spy. in an interview with a danish
now from abc s nick watt. reporter: it was one of the most tear-filled blow-ups we have ever seen. bristol palin an emotional wreck in rehearsal. a sign of partner strain and something potentially more serious. what are you saying? you re not there. reporter: her mom sarah backstage before the show broke sinister news on facebook. i am sorry to say she is getting those annoying death threats and more mystery white powder sent to her while on dwts this all-star season. they had it coming reporter: a similar package sent the last time she was on the show in 2010. this time bristol is defiant. with our security here, we feel safe. reporter: so who would threaten the daughter of mama grizzly? some one man who does not have a lot going on in their life. so a show like dancing with the stars, unfortunately, is an ideal target for people who want