Umweltverbände und Bürgerinitiativen haben am Mittwoch eine bundesweite Unterschriften-Kampagne gegen das geplante Atommüllendlager Schacht Konrad in Salzgitter auf den Weg gebracht.
Welcome to Seven in Seven, where each Thursday in this space we would typically take a look at concerts coming to the region over the next week. With most shows
that among the players, i know that speaking to a couple of guys, they are not really comfortable talking about it, but it s something that like i said, that reverberates throughout the community, and unfortunately, for the new england community, i think that they are going to have to, you know, come to terms with this, and mkraft after being charged early next week, after he categorically denied these allegations, he is going to have to eventually answer for these, and not legally, but you know, in the community, and this hits his reputation, honestly, and again, he is a well-known respected member of not just the nfl, not just the new england community, but around the world, for all of his charitable causes, so it is definitely a sad day for all of the community of new england. and we should, you know, he obviously has an identity unto his own, as a billionaire, and owner of the patriots, but this is also a franchise, with an incredible legacy of their own. the most super bowl wins