ICMAI CMA June Result 2022: Candidates who appear for the CMA Inter, Final and Foundation June session exam can check and download their result from the official website using their identification number, scroll down for more details.
ATMA 2021 exam result: The Association of Indian Management Schools (AIMS) on May 3 announced the result for the AIMS Test for Management Admissions (ATMA) 2021. The candidates who have appeared in the exam can check the result through the website-
Earlier, the result was scheduled to announce on April 30, but was postponed. The exam was held on April 25 in online remote proctored mode. Â
ATMA result 2021: How to checkÂ
Step 1: Visit the official website-
Step 3: Enter the login credentials, then click on submitÂ
Step 4: Result will appear on the screenÂ
Step 5: Download, take a print out for further reference.Â