Anbaric Development Partners has released a Notice of Solicitation for offshore wind developers with projects in the New York Bight who wish to deliver energy and renewable energy credits into the New York State Bulk Power System via the transmission facility Juno Power Express.
This article summarizes the latest developments in the U.S. offshore wind market and then reviews some of the troubling waters ahead. New Developments - On.
Offshore wind is in high demand, as evidenced by the US$4.37 billion in winning bids generated in the recent federal government auction of lease blocks in the New York Bight. On a.
Offshore wind is in high demand, as evidenced by the recent US $4.37 billion of auction results for lease areas in the New York Bight. On a per-acre basis, the provisional winners were willing to pay amounts several multiples higher than the winners of previous auctions.
The Department of Interior announced last week the winning companies of the New York Bight offshore wind lease sale, with Bight Wind Holdings LLC, a joint