HAVERHILL, Mass. — The Atkinson Garden Club, in support of the National Garden Club’s project, “Plant America-Feed America,” participated in a food drive for local Veterans.
WINDHAM — The Atkinson Garden Club honored Edward “Ted” Houlihan as recipient of the 2023 New Hampshire Federation of Garden Clubs’ District 4 Community Star Award during the club’s recent
Atkinson Garden Club is having its annual plant sale tomorrow, launching National Gardening Week. Club members have been preparing bulbs; dividing herbs, shrubs and perennials; and potting them up for the sale, but are also inviting all community gardeners to participate. The club is accepting perennials, annuals, herbs, flowering bushes, trees, starter vegetable plants, and […]
Margie Bean and Evy Nathan of Pollinator Pathways NH will help the public understand the environmental impacts of homeowner yards and gardens when the Atkinson Garden Club hosts an open meeting Wednesday. Options to attract and keep pollinators; maintain a biodiverse environment for monarchs, bees and birds; impacts of harmful plants and pesticides will be […]