fame dan fouts introduced him at the time. who knew how much charitable work he had done. i didn t realize he didn t speak english until he was 7. he was involved with samoan day activities and had a clothing line. at one point a television show in december of 09 on versus network, now the nbc sports network but versus at the time. it was called sports jobs with junior seau. it would follow seau as he did jobs that make sports work. ten episodes in the first season and finished in january 2010. he has a couple nephews playing football at kansas state. ian and micah seau both playing at k state. again, he retired and worked mighty hard for the community. what an enormous loss. such an amazing post football career. so many people get out of football and don t have any
everybody could get into. there s a professor at k-state in their human nutrition department. he is on a junk food diet the next 30 days. he started this back on august 25th. it goes to the end of this month. he s trying to prove junk food has nutritional value to it and all the healthy stuff out there may not be as healthy as everyone thinks it is. he s on a total binge, all this junk food for 30 days. after that, another binge on all the health stuff. whole grains and lean proteins and vegetables and all this. he wants to prove it s a matter of a balanced diet, that too much of one thing all the healthy stuff or all the awful stuff it s not 100% good or bad, it really is a mix of things. he s just like bingeing out the