Thirty-two-million years after a saber-tooth cat stalked prey on the landscape known today as Badlands National Park, a 7-year-old girl working for her latest Junior Ranger badge spotted the animal's fossilized skull protruding from a hillside.
“Doors Open Gettysburg” offers an insider’s look at the history of four magnificent battlefield and farm structures at Gettysburg National Military Park in Pennsylvania.
Hallowed ground that absorbed the blood of colonials fighting for indepedence and nearly a century later of Union and Confederate soldiers engaged in a civil war are among the top 11 "Most Endangered Historic Places" in the United States identified by the National Trust for Historic Places.
The first thing you see when you arrive at a grand property where Canada’s first prime minister lived on his way up the political ladder is a mural called “Creator’s Drum” by Indigenous graphic designer and artist Chris Mitchell.