High in the Peruvian Andes, in the southeastern region of Huancavelica, lies a brown, treeless mountaintop the scars of the now-boarded-up Santa Bárbara mercury mine, whose legacy is social and environmental devastation, reports Ana Zorita.
WASHINGTON DC, Feb 19 (IPS) - Chile’s economy is at a crossroads. Strong policies have successfully brought down high inflation and reduced the large current account deficit that emerged during the pandemic. Increases in social benefits have provided some relief in response to discontent over inequality.
Palestinian Australia Khaled Ghannam paid tribute to the common struggle across Latin America and Palestine for self-determination at the Chilean Communist Party's commemoration. Kerry Smith reports.
RIO DE JANEIRO, Feb 13 (IPS) - The World Social Forum (WSF) is today "more necessary than ever," according to Oded Grajew, promoter and co-founder of the global civil society meeting - a festival of diversity that has not yet succeeded in fomenting or designing the "other possible world" that it predicted when it was created and adopted that motto.