The Chief Minister s Vigilance cell arrested 4 village heads for their alleged connection in the 2017-18 Assam village-headmen appointment scam in Assam s South Salmara Mankachar District.
The Gauhati High has rejected a pre-arrest bail petition filed by Atika Sultana, who has been accused last year by the Chief Minister s Special Vigilance Cell of having illegally appointed 70 Gaon.
Elias Ahmed (Deputy Secretary, Assam Secretariat) and Bikram Aditya Bora (Circle Officer, Kokrajhar) were identified as two government officials to be in a connection with the Gaon Bura Scam
Former Deputy Commissioner of South Salmara-Mankachar Atika Sultana, on Saturday, appeared before the Chief Minister’s Special Vigilance Cell (CMSVC)