of the market, taking advantage of that demand that was coming in the wake of covid, as covid wound down. and putting it straight into their pockets. so blame putin, blame the gas companies, but don t blame biden. he s doing everything he can, and he s doing it right. atia, were you surprised i mean, should we be surprised at the speed with which the gop switched their messaging from pro ban on russian oil, to suddenly being anti biden? we shouldn t be surprised. they re basically just wanting their constituents to hear what they want to hear. this isn t anything but a ploy for the midterm elections. but what s really the democrats, if they re gonna be smart about it, when they need to do is not to go on the defensive. they need to go on the offensive. and including the biden administration. this is a time to make history. every president, since jimmy carter, as promised the
atia, let s go back to what we are talking about this. the relationship that america has fostered with or thorough therrien, dictatorial, brutal governments, successive governments, because of energy. what is your reactions of the biden administration s willingness to now negotiate venezuela, saudi arabia, potentially, iran, for oil imports, given their abysmal human rights records in each of these countries? are we simply swapping one brutal government, and that of russia, to another one in any of these other regions, just because it benefits us, energy wise? absolutely, ayman. this is number one adversarial relationship with one country and another. this is what i meant when i say biden can make history. instead of repeating the same mistakes that americans continuously made in the past, we could focus on something you, and that s clean energy, solar power. honestly, it is shocking, not talking at the same time, to see the u.s. turning to saudi
erin banco, david rothkopf, atia abawi, wait pleasure. thank you so much for joining us. thank you for insights guys. coming up, my next guest says the russian invasion has created an opening for a small group of extremists to recruit white supremacists foreign fighters. we ll talk about that, next. t, next. with relapsing forms of ms. there s a lot to deal with. not just unpredictable relapses. all these other things too. it can all add up. kesimpta is a once-monthly at-home injection. that may help you put these rms challenges in their place. kesimpta was proven superior at reducing the rate of relapses, active lesions, and slowing disability progression vs aubagio. don t take kesimpta if you have hepatitis b, and tell your doctor if you have had it, as it could come back. kesimpta can cause serious side effects, including infections. while no cases of pml were reported in rms clinical trials, it could happen. tell your doctor if you had or plan to have vaccines, or if you are or p
way anymore. david, you know, we ve been talking a lot this week about how this russian invasion has changed for good. european security, germany is talking about reconstituting its army. sweden, finland, possibly joining nato. are we going to see, just to say on the topic of energy for a moment, are we going to see this be, as atia was saying perhaps a catalyst for america, to break its energy dependence on foreign oil, that we don t have to be so reliant on it? well, i certainly hope so. i think atia, every single point she s made has been correct. with regard to the united states. and if i understood your question of where it was leading initially, i think we re also gonna see that from europe. the european union has said that they need to move away from dependency on russian oil. germany is already considering other alternatives, in terms of energy generation. some of the countries of northern europe, and also spain
american people that they would use the american reliance to fossil fuels. this is a time to take a giant leap, and said of those one step forward, several steps backwards. we can make a change in the system right now. the democrats can do it. the biden administration can do it. he can lead in a fantastic legacy behind, if you focus is on clear energy, clean energy and solar energy. but no, we shouldn t be surprised that the gop did this. in fact, they re playing to their braise. we opened up social media. we opened up facebook. we see old classmates posting pictures of gas price signs right now, and saying, thanks, joe. they re playing to their base. they know what they re doing. this is all a political ploy and we re used to it by now. yeah, you bring up a really good point, atia. and aaron, i m interested to get your thoughts on the midterms. we are in a window, which we all know about, it s a window where you get close to a midterm election, republicans don t do anything except c