(Editor’s Note: Part II of a two-part series on students’ views on acceptance and equity in the Athol Royalston Regional School District.)ATHOL Two Athol High School students who are members of the Diversity Club and the district’s Equity Team.
(Editor’s Note: Part I of a two-part series on students’ views on acceptance and equity in the Athol Royalston Regional School District. Today: What the survey reveals. Tomorrow: Students’ action plan.) ATHOL The definition of “acceptance” the.
The enthusiastic ninth graders of Athol High School all rushed into class eager to begin their last class of the day. They were each greeted by their English Language Arts teacher, Josh Talbot. He has a talent for making sure that every student.
ATHOL It would be fair for anyone familiar with New England town meetings to characterize Athol’s Annual Town Meeting, held June 13, as, well, a snooze. While shouts of “objection!” and “point of order!” are commonly heard at such gatherings, the.
I had the wonderful opportunity to visit with nine eighth graders at Athol Royalston Middle School recently. These students were selected to be interviewed by their math teacher, Rebecca Divoll. They were selected for different reasons which I will.