nobody voted for joe biden. i am a law enforcement officer. i do my best to keep politics out of my job, but in this circumstance i responded, well, i voted for joe biden. does my vote not count? am i nobody? that prompted racial ep athets, and one woman in pink yelled, did you hear that, guys, that [expletive] voted for joe biden. nobody ever called me that while wearing the uniform of a capitol police officer. in the days following the attempted insurrection, other
for our cause is just. our vision is clear and our hearts are full. put we the people for our democracy, for america itself, we must act. god bless you all and may god protect our troops and all those who stand and watch over our democracy. act! you have to act! good afternoon. we were just listening to a stirring speech from president biden talking about the moment this country finds itself in in what hets is describing an outright assault on democracy, the right to vote and liberty. some strong words there from the president talking about the threatening situation. drawing a direct line between
Feb 17 2021 Read 351 Times
Nominations are being accepted for the Papin prizes, awards which celebrate the outstanding work that higher education technicians do, often behind the scenes. Since the start of the Coronavirus pandemic the technical community has been at the forefront of transitioning academic teaching online, in making university campuses COVID-secure and in support of world-leading COVID research at universities. A special prize category has been launched to recognise the efforts of a technical team or an individual during the pandemic. Nominations will close on April 30.
Kelly Vere MBE, Technician Commitment lead for the Science Council, and Director of Technical Skills and Strategy, at the University of Nottingham, said: “Technical colleagues across the sector have been at the forefront of the response to Covid-19, supporting critical research, the national testing programme and aiding the civic response to the pandemic. Technicians have also had to act swiftly
wholesale basis with respect to oversight, not just impeachment? absolutely, yes, sir. thank you. professor feldman, as i understand it, the framers intended impeachment to be used infrequently, not as punishment, but to save our democracy from thets so significant that we cannot wait for the next election. in your testimony you suggest we face that kind of threat. can you explain why you think impeachment is the appropriate recourse here, why we cannot wait for the next election? those are two questions if you want them to be. the framers reserved impeachment for situations where the president abused his office, that is, used it for his personal advantage and in particular they were specifically worried about a situation where the president used his office to facilitate corruptly his own re-election. that s, in fact, why they thought they needed impeachment and why waiting for the next election wasn t good enough. on the facts that we have before the house right now, the
attorney general isn t that weird what is the president talking about there? is he just doing this because hets to interfere with an election well i dug and i dug deeply. may 13th, 2014 you know who else wanted interfere with potential future election of joe biden for president, apparently abc john karl here s a flashback go. hunter biden is not taking a position with the largest oil and gas company holding in ukraine is there any concern about appearance of a conflict there the vice president i would refer you to vice president office i saw those reports hunter biden and members of the biden family are private citizens and where they work is not did not reflect endorsement by administration. or by the vice president or president but i would refer you to the vice president office. well did they go to vice president is office?