That provide context for Public Affairs issues. I have just had my say in the government of our country. My own private say. And if you, or the policeman over there, or the president of the United States asks me how i voted, i can say that is none of your business. As an american i have that right. Everyone of these people has that right. You have it. It is something special. Americans have a heritage of the vote no other nation on earth can match because in the modern world, we were the first. The first to build a working system of government on foundation of the vote. Websters dictionary says vote the right to exercise a wish, choice, or expression of will. Here in berlin one of these men is about to vote. In the only effective way he can. With his feet. Thousands and tens of thousands have made the dash to freedom from behind the iron curtain and a phrase came into being, they were voting with their feet. Then in berlin came the wall. As elsewhere, the communists had to do something
Now they have financed raid alyea says he might be missing something about bitcoin. This is the learning curve of decline. People dismiss it, and then they notice the people around them getting rich. Like in this case, Paul Tudor Jones, whos also in connecticut stand up and druckenmiller, who was hugely Successful Hedge Fund guy. And they have to put away their biases and they have to take another look at it. And then once you really look at because i like great value now is doing for the very 1st time, it really distressed about a fan for years without actually looking at it. And once you actually start looking at it, you fall into the rabbit hole and he realizes that a world of crumbling fia money and boring gold that cant keep up. Hes got no choice, hes got no choice but to buy bitcoin. So now hes, hes about to make a big purchase. I saw some blocks trading today, probably is right. Dahlia bridgewaters worth hundreds of billions of dollars. Im sure hell put at least 5 percent of the
Worthy of our great republic. We do so by advocating for the classic condition in civic design. We believe that tradition is unparalleled and its dignity, beauty and harmony, not to mention its legibility to the common man. It is no accident that the Founding Fathers chose the classical style when designing the Nations Capital and its and its core buildings of government. The founders sought to harken back to republic rome and democratic athens and knew that classical architecture was time honored and timeless. The National Civic arts Society Works to continue and expand upon the founders vision for the Nations Capital in federal design generally. I perhaps dont need to tell you that since the 19 fifties, washington d. C. Has been marred and disfigured by federal buildings and memorials that do not comport with the citys classical heritage and identity. For instance, there is the hirsch horn museum, which looks like a bunker. Then theres the bird list fbi building which i called the mi
Each week, America History tvs real america rings he archival films that provide context for todays Public Affairs issues. Ive just had my say in the government of our country, my own private say. And if you, or the policeman over there, or the president of the United States asks me how i voted, i can say thats none of your business. As an american, i have that right. Every one of these people has that right. You have it. And its something special. Americans have a heritage of the vote no other nation on earth can match because in the modern world, we were the first, the first to build a working system of government on foundation of the vote. Websters dictionary says vote the right to exercise a wish, choice, or expression of will. here in berlin, one of these men is about to vote in about the only effective way he can, with his feet. Thousands and tens of thousands have made the dash to freedom from behind the iron curtain and a phrase came into being, they were voting with their feet
Needed for victory alan fischer has more from washington d. C. On taking the lead in georgia that could be what joe biden needs to push him over the edge if he wins a georgia its all over there is no other path to 270 for donald trump that doesnt include georgia so you see why its important big given that the lead is less than a 1000 its almost certainly going to mean a recount its almost certainly going to mean legal action as well so he could well end up in the next couple of hours being declared the winner in georgia but that doesnt mean to see that that will make him the president elect. If europe is Prime Minister says a military operation in the Northern Tier a region has clear and limited goals thats after calls for immediate deescalation from the international community. Said send in soldiers on wednesday after accusing the regions ruling t. P. I. Left party of attacking federal troops and accusation it denies the government has declared a state of emergency and a no fly zone.