Indian Railways Update: IRCTC cancels over 120 trains on August 27 due to THESE reasons, Check full list of cancelled trains before setting out for your journey.
A Mathura based lawyer was overcharged Rs 20 by Indian Railways in 1999 has now received justice as the Consumer Forum gave a verdict in his favour, reports ANI.
Indian Railways update: IRCTC will soon ban single-use plastic from the catering department including plates, spoons, cups, glasses and other essential items.
Before you set out for your journey today, please check the list and details of the cancelled trains on the official Indian Railways website. Here’s the complete list of cancelled trains!
Railway Ticket Booking: రైల్వే రిజర్వేషన్ సేవలను ఈ నెల 21 నుంచి పలు సమయాల్లో తాత్కాలికంగా నిలిపివేయనున్నట్లు దక్షిణమధ్య రైల్వే సీపీఆర్వో సీహెచ్ రాకేశ్ ఓ ప్రకటనలో తెలిపారు.