hearing it. every president of the united states talking about using nuclear weapons. why do we make of them in because of the mutual assured destruction. i would be the last one to use a nuclear weapon. i would never take any cards off the table. how about in europe? i m not going to take it off the table. you might use it in europe? no, i don t think so. but i am not taking cards off the table. that seems to be, if you can discern from that, a sort of policy logic. it seems to be i won t take anything off the table, because that would weaken me. what do you think of that? american presidents have always said all options are on the table. but you don t have to say it in those terming. the clip that i thought was significant was the first one. goes back to march of last one where you had basically trump
it may have relevant when this refugee case comes up. so you might want to study up on it. i m going to i m going to do a lot of work on anti-trust in the next work. i know you are an speaker. senator lee and i have been heading up that committee. imi m going to enon freedom of press in conhonor of my dad. he was a newspaper reporter his whole life. i m especially concerned in today s world about maintaining the press s role as a watchdog. our founders enshrined freedom of the press in the first amendment as thomas jefferson said, our first objective should be to leave open all avenues to truth. and the most effective way to do that is through the freedom of the press. new york times versus sullivan the court issued land mark ruling in support of first amendment protection force the press by aterming that when newspapers report on public officials they can say what they want. maybe we don t always like that. but they can. unless they say something untrue with actual malice.
he started talking about allegiance to country for instance, you think sure, we re all-american. but it had tone of you better, it s father land kind of thing. going on. there was a darkness there. and kind of bullying quality to it that was disturbing. he said we would find love for us. patriotism would bring us together. i think it s a different kind of patriotism than a lot of people idea with. if he was looking to strike a unifying tone, certainly what george bush did, in terming of offering a lot of creditability to al gore and nodding to al gore who was in a similar situation whether he took office, there was no mention look at this. we have the first pictures coming out white
in paris s point, you have to look at philadelphia, you have to look at detroit, columbus and cleveland where you have large bastian of voters. broward county will be important. hillary clinton s plan tonight and it has been in florida is to run up the vote before you get to the 8:00 moment where the panhandle comes in. along the panhandle, mitt romney beat barack obama by 150,000 votes. it wasn t enough. if hick runs up a margin of between 300,000 and 350,000, you can give him 200,000 and he can t make it up. and what about the college educated white vote? that will be critical in terming whether or not republicans can win, not just keep control of congress but there are polls in recent days suggesting hillary clinton is doing better with a group that traditionally voted
master criminal both ekage eight. it confuse voters, who must judge her lapses in context deciding how relevant such past behaviors are in terming what kind of president she or her opponent will be. we have to judge her fairly. i don t think it s possible to judge any candidate fairly in this particular political climate. because you hear so many untruths on both sides of the aisle. about candidates. voters are less confused in large part i think because of that and then the candidates themselves feed into that with their own untruths. also in this age of tunnelling. where if i m on the left i just get messages in my internet bringing me further and further into the left conversation. on the right i get further and further into trumpland. and if i m only hearing good about hillary clinton, if i m only hearing good about donald trump i have no space in my head, peripheral vision, oh, maybe it s more complex. maybe she s not the angel.