Shares of Tata Steel Ltd hit a fresh 52-week high in early trade amid a flat movement in broader indices. Tata Steel shares rose to a high of Rs 137.65 against the previous close of Rs 136.40 on BSE. Tata Steel stock opened higher at Rs 137.20 on Monday. During the session, the stock hit an intraday low of Rs 135.10. Market cap of the firm stood at Rs 1.68 lakh crore. Total 14.41 lakh shares changed hands amounting to a turnover of Rs 19.70 crore on BSE. Tata Steel stock fell to a 52-week low of Rs 101.60 on December 26, 2022. Tata Steel stock has a one-year beta of 0.2, signaling low volatility during the period.
Tata Steel stock is down 0.17% in 2023 and gained 12% in year. Additionally, the stock has lost 12% from its 52-week high of Rs 134.85 hit on September 18, 2023.
Tata Steel shares were trading on a flat note in the afternoon session today against the previous close of Rs 127.35. Market cap of the firm stood at Rs 1.55 lakh crore.
Tata Steel shares were trading flat at Rs 125.50 against the previous close of Rs 128.85 on BSE. Market cap of the Tata Group firm stood at Rs 1.53 lakh crore in the afternoon session.
Tata Steel shares vs JSW Steel shares: While Tata Steel stock surged 254.43%, shares of JSW Steel zoomed 180% during the last three years. However, the iron and steel shares generated average returns below the period of three years.