Shares of Tata Motors Ltd approached their record high today after global brokerage JPMorgan upgraded shares of the Tata Group firm to overweight from the earlier stance of neutral. The brokerage revised its price target on Tata Motors to Rs 925 apiece from the Rs 680 earlier. Tata Motors stock gained 2.62% to a high of Rs 801.85 on BSE. Tata Motors stock opened higher at Rs 797.25 on Thursday. Market cap of the firm rose to Rs 2.64 lakh crore. Total 4.72 lakh shares changed hands amounting to a high turnover of Rs 37.72 crore on BSE. Tata Motors stock hit a 52-week low of Rs 381 on January 6, 2023 and a record high of Rs 804 on January 2, 2024.
Shares of Tata Motors Ltd hit a record high amid negative broader market sentiment on the last trading day of 2023 today. With today's rally, Tata Motors stock has recovered 110% from its 52-week low touched early this year. Tata Motors stock fell to a low of Rs 381 on January 6, 2023. It hit a record high of Rs 802.60 today, rising 6.41% intraday against the previous close of Rs 754.20 on BSE.
Shares of Tata Motors Ltd hit a record high in early trade amid negative sentiment in the broader market today. With today’s rally, Tata Motors stock has recovered 981% from its Covid low in 2020. Tata Motors stock fell to a low of Rs 63.60 on March 24, 2020 after the Modi government imposed Coronavirus lockdown to prevent the spread of Covid-19 cases across the country. In the current session, Tata Motors shares gained 1.09% to a high of Rs 687.55 on BSE.
Tata Motors shares have closed lower in the last four of the five sessions, leaving investors puzzled about the outlook of the stock. The move is exactly opposite to the benchmark Sensex of which the Tata Group stock is a component