against concentrated wealth. we should keep in mind that the median wealth for african-americans in this country is a meager $2200. and the median wealth for african-american females in the united states is $5. wow. that is amazing statistic. bob herbert. sam cedar, ring of fire radio. going forward. occupy wall street, i think, is going to grow. not only will you see more direct action in the context of the banks but now there s going to be more direct action on-line. occupy the boardroom is just launching now and they re going to basically start to flood the e-mail boxes of some members of board rooms of banks and other major corporations. just want to make sure and emphasize on the african-american females, it s single african-american females at $5. bob herbert doing an on arrow owe. political science froefr professor at tulane.
will see those signs will be in a book, in a museum or on a video. with the election of barack obama and now with herman cain running and leading in the polls, that s progress. that is progress. that cannot be denied. but we have to say to america that the election of president barack obama is not the fulfillment of dr. king s dream. it s only a down payment. we still have a great distance to go. the scars and stain of racism are still deeply embedded in american society. too many people still left out and left behind. and they re not just african-american. but their low income clients, latino, asian american and native american. congressman, melissa harry-perry, professor at tulane and contributor of msnbc. she wanted to ask you a question. it s a pleasure to have an
john harwood with cnbc and writes for the new york times, and melissa a professor at tulane. thank you both for joining us. john, put it together, the economics the president faces in terms of what he can do about it? i m not sure what we had can do, chris. he face twos problems in dealing with republicans. one, they want to take him down politically, and, two, they have a fundamentally different vision of the role of government, and they have a willingness to try to withstand political pressures most politicians you and i covered aren t willing to do that. they don t care too much about wall street or their leadership, and they are so resistant to tax increases, that they prevented john boehner from having the ability to describing that grand bargain with president obama and eastern this afternoon after the market dropped, eric cantor, house republican leader, put positive a letter, with all the
nearly 2,000 points so far. what can washington do to bring confidence back? john harwood with cnbc and writes for the new york times, and melissa a professor at tulane. thank you both for joining us. john, put it together, the economics the president faces in terms of what he can do about it? i m not sure what we had can do, chris. he face twos problems in dealing with republicans. one, they want to take him down politically, and, two, they have a fundamentally different vision of the role of government, and they have a willingness to try to withstand political pressures most politicians you and i covered aren t willing to do that. they don t care too much about wall street or their leadership, and they are so resistant to tax increases, that they prevented john boehner from having the ability to describing that grand bargain with president obama and eastern this afternoon after the
the market in the dow up near nearly,000 points so far s. what can washington do to bring confidence back? john harwood with cnbc and writes for the new york times and melissa a professor at tulane. thank you both for joining us. john, put it together, the economics the president faces in terms of what he can do about it? i m not sure what we had can do, chris. he face twos problems in dealing with republicans. one, they want to take him down politically, and, two, they have a fundamentally different vision of the role of government, and they have a willingness to try to withstand political pressures most politician s you and i covered aren t willing to do that. they don t care too much about wall street or their leadership, and they are so resistant to tax increases, that they prevented john boehner from having the ability to describing that grand bargain with president obama and eastern this afternoon after the market dropped, eric cantor,