telling as what was left behind. expensive electronics were left untouched as was dar s purse sitting on a hallway chair. it just didn t make a lot of sense. neither did the use of a shotgun. it s large, potentially bulky. if you re going in to break into something, you have to carry whatever you steal out with this shotgun that you brought also. it wasn t until the next day that police found their first significant piece of evidence, evidence that led the investigation in a whole new direction. down in the foleys dusty basement was a suspiciously dust-free yellow plastic bag. what was in the plastic bag? three shotgun shells. when we come back, police have some questions for the grieving husband. nvestment pro, fisher investments avoids them. some advisers have hidden and layered fees.
sense that something was wrong. yes. she was always on time or early to events. so tom left the party and headed back home in search of his wife. our kitchen back door was open, and i noticed that the glass was broken and there was glass all over our kitchen floor. so i looked through the rest of the house for her and ended up finding her in our bathroom. she d been shot in the head with a shotgun at point blank range. tom immediately called for help. what s the problem? my wife is in the shower. she s just laying there in the blood. first responders rushed to the foley farm. when michigan state police detective james carbon arrived on the scene, he knew he was in for a long night. we don t have a lot of homicides that happen in and around branch county. because of her position as a school teacher, just for the
i just didn t want to convince the 12 jurors. i wanted to convince the prosecutor. i wanted to convince the police. i wanted to convince my wife s family. i wanted them to know and look at me and hear me. tom started by answering some still-nagging questions, like, how did a yellow plastic bag with shotgun shells in it get into tom s basement? did you have dunham s bags in your home? yes. how do you explain the bag in the basement with the shotgun shells in the basement? they weren t ours. the bag is probably ours. i mean, my fingerprint is on the bag. but for three clean shotgun shells to be in my basement? it just doesn t make sense. you have no idea where those came from? absolutely not. tom said he s never owned or used a shotgun. never. wouldn t know how to operate it. wouldn t know the first thing about it. tom schafer then asked why tom failed to call his home when dar didn t show up at the birthday celebration.
witness? i call tom foley to the stand. i didn t just want to convince the 12 jurors. i wanted to convince the prosecutor. i wanted to convince the police. i wanted to convince my wife s family and look at me and hear me. tom started by answering still nagging questions lake how did a yellow plastic bag with shotgun shells in it get into the basement. did you have those bags in your home? yes. how do you explain the bag in the basement. they weren t ours. the bag is ours. my fingerprint is on the bag but for three clean shotgun shells to be in my basement, just doesn t make sense. you have no idea where those came from? absolutely not. tom said he s never owned or used a shotgun. never. wouldn t know how to operate it. wouldn t know the first thing about it. tom shafer then asked why tom failed to call his home when dar
of dar s death. could you conceive of tom either hating his life so much he wanted to kill her absolutely not. or killing her for the insurance money. absolutely not. that would be stupid. she made good money. why kill the golden goose. he never was one to want things. not like money was real valuable to him. you think they had a good marriage? i do. everything seemed to be going real good for them. it seemed sadistic shooting your wife at point blank range, killing the mother of your son on the very day he was celebrating his 10th birthday. he never would have done that to his son. police continued gathering evidence. ten days after tom s arrest, police brought heath foley in for a second interview and this time, heath did recall hearing a noise that day. skyler talks about hearing this unusual sound, do you remember that? just like shoot guns, it was