testimony, maybe it wasn t ignored, but it was brushed aside pretty quickly. look, i don t speak republican so i can t speak to what they re thinking. but for liberals, you want to talk about humanity, here s my takeaway from the jeff flake thing. what liberals need to understand is that we need all of the above. it took women, minority women yelling in jeff flake s face, and it took privileged white man persuasively encouraging him in private rooms. we need all of the above. it is not a question of which you know, there s no right way to do this. every person who cares about these issues needs to be entirely motivated and they need to do what they can. if you re fit, march. if you re fat, call. if you re good at origami, send susan collins 994 origami birds to represent the 994,000 sexual assaults which are not reported. whatever you do, do it, because
so walk me through it in baby steps here so i can be impressive and romantic later tonight. step one, we re going to get the vegetables ready and seasoned. so we have some leek, some carrot and fennel. we re going to toss this like a salad. we re going to put a little salt, pepper. quickly. we re going to sotoss some extr virgin olive oil. some scallions and celery. we re going to start the base of this papillote. we re going to season the fish. a nice bed for the fish, the vegetables. we have some thyme, lemon, and one bay leaf. you can use fresh or dry. if you re good at origami, you can do this. what is this method called again? folding. i ve got to write that down. folding, all right.