accepts a invitation to speak at the gettysburg. i asked him, how much would that be worth. he stunned me, i said the general s, he said yes. woe. that that moment the room got vie libsilent, he said it coulde worse a lot of money, 250. thousand? yes. i said, that is more than i got for everything. ed does not want to believe he was swindled, he considers russ preufrpar pritchard a frie. you trusted him so much, you let him baby sit your infant. correct. jamie: he discovers how much museum paid pritchard. how much? over $800,000.
jamie: your reaction? i was pissed. it dawned on me, i was really ripped off. ed decides it is time to take the fight totten me, that is next on strange inheritance. a quiz question, 3903 confederate soldiers were killed in gettysburg? how many are b
jamie: quite a section of family history. what will you do with it now? i will probably give it to my children. we don t get to choose our names when we are bored and we have to do with whatever we can and live up to it. i have talked that legacy but have also wondered it in the same way. not done fighting the balustrades inheritance for one thing he thinks there should be a statue at gettysburg honoring the great great grandfather and his men. another way is to watch edward pickett feel that it s time to move on with his own son was born they chose the name dug. perhaps some names need to rest in peace. thanks for watching strange inheritance . and remember,
like a puppy. he kept asking, can i see the artifacts. ed agrees to show pritchard what is in the old family suitcase, next few hours, are a revelation for ed. that old cap is called a capy, warn by general pickett at gettysburg, and his bloodstained uniform sleeve, and photos, and hand drawn map of the gettysburg battlefield. he was very knowledgeable. tell me about the reaction on russ pritchard s face. he was delighted. like high found a goal mine, he said, i m prepareed on behalf of the mayor to make you an offer. who did you feel he represented? your interest or the museum? as i understood it he was an
they failed and so did the cause but then gettysburg from north and south returned to the spot to play their part to blind of the wound. jamie: take comfort in knowing general pickett was the soldier to do as he was told even if he believed it was wrong. absolutely. it cost him hundreds of men but made him the immortal. jamie: wow. it made ticket better appreciate the airlines that remain in the old suitcase. this is the copy of the copy of williamsburg 1862. it is a lost art with the handwriting. that is georgy pickett. jamie: would you ever sell that? this? right here? no.