The company’s PXS-5505 multinational trial in Myelofibrosis has been cleared by the safety committee to advance to the second stage of Dose escalation.
Charlie Teo Foundation grant to fund key research of new Pharmaxis drug to tackle brain cancer
PXS-5505 will enter pre-clinical efficacy testing for glioblastoma, the most common form of brain cancer with an average survival of only 15 months from diagnosis. Charlie Teo Foundation founder and director Professor Charlie Teo and Pharmaxis CEO Gary Phillips during a TV interview.
Pharmaxis Ltd (ASX:PXS) (FRA:UUD) drug discovery PXS-5505 will be the focus of a new study funded by a grant from the Charlie Teo Foundation, an Australian charity, for key research into a drug discovery tackling an aggressive and deadly form of brain cancer.