Ryan Alexander Diduck
, April 15th, 2021 08:46
Collaborations with Nik Void, Gazelle Twin, Simon Fisher Turner, and Astrud Steehouder make the latest project from Alexander Tucker all the more essential, finds Ryan Diduck
Information in the post-COVID world has assumed a curious characteristic of meaningless equivalency, one chart – one graph, one statistic – taking on seemingly no more nor less significance than any other. This latest fact attack is in addition to the regular broadcast news and social media cycles that plague our consciousness with unwanted and unnecessary infotainment: billionaires’ babies’ names, Royal families’ antics, dispatches from the vacant crania of celebrities’ children and grandchildren, stock selloffs and sports scores edging against today’s human death toll. (Up next, the weather.) In an attention economy, what we pay attention to is no longer relevant, so long as we pay rapt attention to