15 years agoJake Tennihill, son of Kim Bodle and Ralph Tennihill, graduated from level 1 of the Future Astronaut Training Program June 6 at the Kansas Cosmosphere and Space Center.
founder jeff bezos on the trail blazing aviator became a pilot is 17 and only living member of the roughly 13 have the limited completed the astronaut training program in the 60s but never got to go to space, as we get it right minds texas celebrated her flight and proclaimed wally day. that s the fox report this sunday, 82021 and i am jon scott. good evening and thank you for joining us, i am trey gowdy and welcome to sunday night in america with trey gowdy. simpson democrat senators centers the practice of recording increase the number of local justices had almost every democrat senator opposed neil and kavanagh and amy kony parent when they were nominated. they re not content staying opposing nominated justices and now, some democrats want to
the launch on sunday. now of course it remains to be if jeff bezos will be present. i have a feeling he is very busy preparing for his own suborbital space flight scheduled for july 20th, the 52nd anniversary of the moon landing. so a lot of exciting stuff happening in the space community in the next few days. now here at space port america, richard branson has been putting himself through the paces of the astronaut training program because his objective on this space flight is to test the astronaut experience. of course, that experience begins before they enter into the cabin. they need to be of course briefed on all of the safety protocols of the spaceship and know what to expect. that is what he s been doing. today is his down day and with family and friends enjoying this moment, soaking it all in before the world gets to watch this incredible journey scheduled for sunday. boris. rachel crane reporting from