What will NASA do when it finds a killer asteroid making its way to Earth? "What would NASA do if a dinosaur-killing asteroid barrels its way to Earth?" That is one of the questions actor Adam Driver asked NASA in one of the agency's latest videos to determine what NASA's response would be like.
NASA's asteroid trackers have discovered a large space rock that is coming so close to Earth and is expected to be 2.3 times larger than one of the biggest dinosaurs to live. The asteroid, known as 2022 PW, is speeding through the cosmos and is estimated to flyby at a distance of less than two times that of the moon.
A "potentially hazardous" asteroid is passing by Earth next week. Many astronomers are pointing their telescopes in the asteroid's direction in hopes of recording the event.
A "potentially hazardous" asteroid is passing by Earth next week. Many astronomers are pointing their telescopes in the asteroid's direction in hopes of recording the event.