ReStore grand opening Aug. 5
The Board of Directors for Habitat for Humanity in Champaign County, Ohio (HFHCCO) have announced their ReStore at 1007 N. Main in Urbana will have a Grand Opening on Aug. 5, 2021. The previous store was located at 955 N. Main. The current board is comprised of the following members: Seated, left tto right – Michele Johnson, Secretary; Brian Newman, ED; Ginny Stanley, VP and Mentor Chair; Rev. Ray Branstiter, President. Standing, left to right – Frank Segreti, Co-build Chair/Safety; Marcia Ward, Build/Food crews and PR; Rob Johnson, Grant writer; Dan and Marge Baker – Selection Chair/Asst Treasurer; Beth Ropp, Loan official; Greg Ward, Co-build Chair; Judy Geers, Treasurer.