The conference themed “An Indaba on a Theology and Practice of Child Protection in Africa in Times of Pandemics” is in response to Pope Francis's call to unite leaders and people from all sectors to fully participate in the mission of safeguarding children Post Covid-19
Sr Phuthunywa Catherine Siyali HC
Sr Phuthunywa Catherine Siyali HC belongs to the Congregation of the Sister of the Holy Cross, Southern African Province. She was born in 1970 in Aliwal North, Eastern Cape Province and joined the Holy Cross Sisters in 1989. She made her First Profession in 1994 and her Final Vows in 2000. She obtained her BTH degree from UNISA in 2006 and BTH Honours through the University of KwaZulu Natal in 2011. She also trained as a Spiritual Director and Retreat Director through the Jesuit Institute of South Africa in 2017. At the end of 2020 she completed a Formation of Formators Course in Nairobi Kenya at AOSK Chemchemi Ya Uzima Institute (under the Association of Sisterhood of Kenya).