OLYMPIA, Wash. — For the past 10 years, Dominique Horn has worked for a community health organization in the fast-growing city of Vancouver in Washington state, helping people squeezed by soaring rents to try to avoid homelessness. Sometimes she wonders if she’s going to be her agency’s next client. With her husband struggling at times to find work, Horn has maxed out her credit cards to keep pace with the rent. She has relied on public assistance and stayed in shelters. The couple and their two
One by one, residents of Moxie Community stepped outside their homes to speak with volunteers from the Association of Manufactured Home Owners on a gray December day. They chatted on
These stories happen every day. Whole neighborhoods are squeezed and erased and people who don't have much lose what little they have. It doesn't have to be that way.
Residents at some Yakima area mobile home parks say rising rent and punitive fees have come with less maintenance, poor communication and threats of eviction.