Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan on Tuesday walked back his criticism of the performance of the foreign service officers, saying they are doing a great job. Speaking at a programme Apka Wazeer-i-Azam Apke Saath during which he takes telephone calls of citizens, Mr Khan said:
After receiving intense backlash for publicly castigating Pakistani diplomats abroad, Prime Minister Imran Khan retracted his criticism of their performance, sa
Imran Khan retracts criticism of foreign diplomats after widespread backlash ANI | Updated: May 13, 2021 07:44 IST
Islamabad [Pakistan], May 13 (ANI): After receiving intense backlash for publicly castigating Pakistani diplomats abroad, Prime Minister Imran Khan retracted his criticism of their performance, saying that they are doing a great job. The foreign service has done a wonderful job as far as diplomacy is concerned, he said at a programme, reported Dawn.
Khan had last Wednesday in a video conference with Pakistani envoys lashed out at the foreign service officers for not serving the expatriate community well and harbouring a colonial mindset.
His statements came after the suspension of former ambassador to Saudi Arabia Raja Ali Ejaz and recall of six diplomats from the embassy in Riyadh over community complaints.
Prime Minister Imran Khan addresses the media in this file photo. DawnNewsTV/File
ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan on Tuesday walked back his criticism of the performance of the foreign service officers, saying they are doing a great job.
Speaking at a programme ‘Apka Wazeer-i-Azam Apke Saath’ during which he takes telephone calls of citizens, Mr Khan said: “The foreign service has done a wonderful job as far as diplomacy is concerned. They advocated Kashmir cause very well.”
Mr Khan had last Wednesday in a video conference with Pakistani envoys lashed out at the foreign service officers for not serving the expatriate community well and harbouring colonial mindset.