A new federal grant is giving schools in three Missouri counties and St. Louis City a fresh look at the challenges of students of color living with disabilities. Missouri students of color with disabilities face harsher school disciplinary practices than their white peers, which can lead them into the juvenile justice system. .
Iowans with disabilities said the state could be doing more to make public places more accessible and inclusive. In the new legislative session, the Iowa Developmental Disabilities Council also wants lawmakers to make more money available to address dramatic staffing shortages. For the 12.5% of Iowans living with a disability, lack of accessibility is an ongoing issue. .
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month, and 14 states, including Iowa, have received large federal grants to try to link workers with better paying jobs offering career advancement. Iowa s share of grant money is $13.8 million. Dan Tallon, administrator of Iowa s Vocational Rehabilitation Services, said subminimum wage jobs often serve as default for those with disabilities who face barriers in getting care they need to become integrated with the community. .
Come next year, people with developmental disabilities in New Mexico may not be able to find the help they need - because of a severe labor shortage in the field. Agencies are struggling to find workers to staff group homes, help with daily living, help clients find jobs, and more. Jim Copeland, executive director of the Association of Developmental Disability Community Providers in New Mexico, said the state needs to increase the amount it reimburses providers - so the agencies can pay workers more per hour - and thus attract and retain more employees. .