From the Oct. 10, 1962 Telegram: "City firemen rescued two adults and a 2-year-old child from a fireswept second floor apartment at 906 Tower Ave. Wednesday morning by carrying them down a ladder to the street from the apartment front window."
The Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Brazil, Sumith Dassanayake undertook a visit to the State of Goiás on 19 September 2022 as part of the Embassy’s reaching out programme to promote Sri Lanka’s Trade and Economic relations with the leading economic hubs in Brazil. Goiás is one of the fastest growing states in Brazil with.
ALGIERS, Aug. 23 (Xinhua) The Algerian Red Crescent (ARC) received a donation from China worth 16 million Algerian dinars (113,000 U.S. dollars) to help Alge