Anniversary of the legendary Battle of Neretva marked May 10, 2021 8:00 AM by Y.Z
In the organization of Association of Union of Antifascists and veterans of the People’s Liberation War (SABNOR) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Association of Antifascists and veterans of the People’s Liberation War (UABNOR) Jablanica, the Society “Josip Broz Tito” from Jablanica, the Municipality of Jablanica, as well as the Museum “Battle for the Wounded on the Neretva”, the 78th anniversary of the Battle for the Wounded was marked, which was also one of the most humane battles in the history of warfare.
Nijaz Skenderagic spoke about the importance of this battle, emphasizing the vision of Josip Broz Tito, who managed to save 4.000 wounded with his orders.