Nursery Teachers Should Give Lessons on White Privilege, Says Guidance
Christopher Hope, The Telegraph, April 3, 2021
Playgroup teachers need an “understanding about white privilege” so toddlers can learn to “recognise racist behaviours and develop anti-racist views”, according to new guidance.
The new advice, drawn up as an alternative to the Government’s statutory guidance by representatives from unions and charities, said it was “time to challenge the widespread notion that ‘children do not see race’ and are colour blind to difference”.
It states that “children’s racial prejudice” is at risk of being “maintained or reinforced” unless teachers had specialist training to develop an “understanding about white privilege, systemic racism and how racism affects children and families in early years settings”.
5 Apr 2021
Lessons on so-called “white privilege” are needed to combat “racial prejudice” within children, according to new guidance drawn up by a group of education charities and unions.
The guidance came in the form of a 128-page paper entitled ‘Birth to 5 Matters from the Early Years Coalition’, which was developed over the past six months by representatives from the National Education Union (NEU), the National Day Nurseries Association, and the Association for Professional Development in Early Years.
The paper claimed that “talking about race is a first step in countering racism. It is a mistaken assumption that treating all people in the same way and ignoring differences in race is a sufficient response to racism.
Nursery teachers should be telling toddlers about white privilege so they can learn to develop anti-racist views , according to teaching unions.
The new 128-page guidance has been given as an alternative to the Government s statutory guidance and has received criticism from Conservative MPs.
It was issued after an official government report concluded that factors such as family structure and socio-economic background had more significant impact on life chances than the existence of racism .
The new 128-page guidance has been given as an alternative to the Government s statutory guidance and has received criticism from Conservative MPs
The guidance adds that children s racial prejudice is at risk of being maintained or reinforced unless teachers received training in understanding white privilege and systemic racism , according to The Telegraph.
Nursery teachers should give lessons on white privilege, says guidance
Advice from unions and charities criticised by Tory MPs for turning early learning into a political Soviet indoctrination session
3 April 2021 • 9:30pm
Playgroup teachers need an understanding about white privilege so toddlers can learn to recognise racist behaviours and develop anti-racist views , according to new guidance.
The new advice, drawn up as an alternative to the Government s statutory guidance by representatives from unions and charities, said it was “time to challenge the widespread notion that ‘children do not see race’ and are colour blind to difference”.
It states that children s racial prejudice is at risk of being maintained or reinforced unless teachers had specialist training to develop an understanding about white privilege, systemic racism and how racism affects children and families in early years settings”.