Much-touted Plan for Building in Area E1 of the West Bank - Also Known as Mevaseret Adumim - Has Been Criticized by Local Palestinian Residents and the International Community
Much-touted Plan for Building in Area E1 of the West Bank - Also Known as Mevaseret Adumim - Has Been Criticized by Local Palestinian Residents and the International Community
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New Study Presents A Gloomy Climate Future for Middle Eas
A fresh study conducted by Professor Dan Rabinowitz, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Gershon H. Gordon Faculty of Social Sciences at the Tel Aviv University, surveys regional climate models for the Middle East, analyzes climate inequalities and examines threats posed by global warming to security and political stability in the region.
In a new book published by Stanford University Press entitled ‘The Power of Deserts: Climate Change, the Middle East and the Promise of a Post-Oil Era’, Professor Rabinowitz argues that the region, already hotter and dryer than most parts, could soon see exacerbated water shortages, decreased agricultural productivity, large scale displacement and conflict as a result of a deteriorating climate.